New York Racing Board

Wednesday Morning's Momcat Story, Wooley
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Author:  1/4 Pole [ Wed Aug 17, 2016 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Wednesday Morning's Momcat Story, Wooley

I had gone to bed safe, sane and sober on Tuesday night after working the first three at Saratoga. It's been hot (as you well know) and I had the AC on low up in the man cave. I was under a light comforter in some old ratty drawers with my old feet pooched out at the bottom. Before I could get to sleep the momcat Mister Mittens jumped into bed with me and slammed her rump into my side (as usual). I reached over in the dark to pet her skull and neck and rub her shoulders. She liked that. Before I got to sleep I remember rolling on my right side and the cat moving to ram her ass into my back to stay in contact over the comforter before flopping back down for her sleep.

Shortly after dawn this morning? I'm awake from the "dawn gene" my mother passed on to me. When I woke up the momcat Mister Mittens was walking in circles around me and the bed - down my left side, across my exposed feet, up my right side and across my old addled head and pillow. She was poking my feet with a paw and head-butting the top of my head as she slid by the headboard of my ancient bed.

I told her that "eats" were coming but my timing was off. The momcat Mister Mittens was between my two old exposed feet and she dropped with her two fronts grabbing my old right ankle. Her claws were in but when I made a move to get out of bed she bolted to get down to her feed dish downstairs and unintentionally laid a small scratch across my right ankle via a single claw.

I have newspaper ads over three states to get this old spayed kitten mom from 2010 adopted but nobody answers them.

Author:  wooley85 [ Thu Aug 18, 2016 1:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wednesday Morning's Momcat Story, Wooley

Hey...YOU were too slow on the uptake :mrgreen:
Mr Mittens is reminding YOU of your rank... :lol: :lol: :lol:

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