New York Racing Board

War on "terror"?
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Author:  wooley85 [ Mon Nov 08, 2010 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  War on "terror"?

The entire country is corrupt and filled with incompetents. Add the US ARMY MAJOR to this debacle, and the end result becomes clear. We, as a country are done. Only a matter of time unrtil one of these radical meglomanics drops a bomb on us while we continue to pour BILLIONS into "fake wars"
Anyone...exactly what have we accompished in the last 10 years in Afganistan? Iraq"

D.E.A. Deployed Mumbai Plotter Despite Warning
WASHINGTON — American authorities sent David C. Headley, a small-time drug dealer and sometime informant, to work for them in Pakistan months after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, despite a warning that he sympathized with radical Islamic groups, according to court records and interviews. Not long after Mr. Headley arrived there, he began training with terrorists, eventually playing a key role in the 2008 attacks that left 164 people dead in Mumbai.

The October 2001 warning was dismissed, the authorities said, as the ire of a jilted girlfriend and for lack of proof. Less than a month later, those concerns did not come up when a federal court in New York granted Mr. Headley an early release from probation so that he could be sent to work for the United States Drug Enforcement Administration in Pakistan. It is unclear what Mr. Headley was supposed to do in Pakistan for the Americans. ... ml?_r=1&hp

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