New York Racing Board

Pet Shop added to the Feed and Grain Store
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Author:  Jack [ Sat Dec 18, 2010 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Pet Shop added to the Feed and Grain Store

Things have been tough in the Feed and Grain business for several years. People giving up cows, horses and other large animals due to the bad economic times. Last Spring I posted about bringing in kayaks and accessories to stimulate sales. Several weeks ago we worked out a deal with another local business suffering under these bad times, "Kristi's Critters", the nearby pet store. She had to move out of her strip mall location and couldn't find another affordable spot for her business. I offered to make room in our Feed Store that might benefit both business'. We helped move most of the tanks and fixtures out of her Brooklyn location and into our Danielson store. I'm in the middle of building a 10'x10' glass and aluminum grooming room for her, complete with tub and commercial spring style, prep faucet.

The offer I made her was 60 days with free rent and utilities. I figured this would give her time to get back on her feet financally and at the same time draw more (and new) customers into the store. So far we've seen a modest rise in our sales and a two fold increase in customers coming into the store. If the trend continues it might get us thru the slow Winter months till the Spring. Incidently, we sold two kayaks this week, the first ones sold since August. The store is more lively now due to the exotic birds yelling out and the whistling of parrakeet's. Its a lot more interesting now than it was before with parents bringing in their kids to see the rabbits, farrets, lizards, fish, snakes and other creatures that make people smile.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to all.................jack

Author:  wooley85 [ Sun Dec 19, 2010 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pet Shop added to the Feed and Grain Store

Good luck!

Nice gesture to add the pet store owner....what goes around comes around and I expect your
business will rebound in 2011.

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