New York Racing Board

Old Bed Time
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Author:  1/4 Pole [ Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:40 am ]
Post subject:  Old Bed Time

The large kitten on the right is Trouble. To his left is Mischief and Chaos. At the bottom of the cat bed is the tiny weak runt girl cat Shiloh that nobody ever gave a shit about except for her mother.


In fast forward for six and a half months it's the same cat bed and one of the same cats. Trouble doesn't hang out in cat beds much but he's doing it tonight. He used to nurse with Mister Mittens in this thing.


Author:  1/4 Pole [ Tue Feb 22, 2011 1:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Old Bed Time

Mister Mittens would nurse her three male cats while her tiny female kept trying to get at a good nipple for milk. Most of the time little Shiloh would get pushed aside by her brothers and not get a good deal.

The Momcat would often grab Shiloh by the neck and walk away with her. All alone, Mister Mittens would lie down and pull her tiny daughter into her gut for feedings with her front paws while the three males slept. While the tiny runt cat fed Mister Mittens would keep pulling her into good milk places with her front paws.

You don't have to read a book to love cats. These animals have a code that make you wonder.

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