New York Racing Board

She Screamed With Ecstasy! And My Recliner Is Gone.
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Author:  1/4 Pole [ Sat Jun 25, 2011 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  She Screamed With Ecstasy! And My Recliner Is Gone.

No, this is not a porn post. I don't do that stuff. I took Sweet Babycakes outside earlier today while I weeded the veggies. She ran all over the yard chasing birds and bugs and then rolled in the grass with great joy. She leaped into some bushes and climbed with her claws. She's a spayed housecat with no outside time loose but she knew enough to go alert and tense up when she heard a dog bark down the block. She got down low with all her claws out while looking to see if a dog was coming for her. Her "fight or flight" instinct had kicked in.

Anyway, when she got inside she snagged a nice lunch and ran up to the man cave. She mewed with joy and then collapsed on the Castro for a nap. This photo makes her look chubby but that's white hair protruding from her belly and chest, not gut like her Mom has.


Her brother Trouble doesn't like his little sister to spend a lot of time alone so he came upstairs to check that his sister was OK and then jumped into my recliner to be near her. He scoped her out on the Castro, licked her head once while she was sleeping, and moved on.


Then I lifted the camera to try to catch them both in the same photo and it worked out OK. That neutered tomcat adores his little sister. They have not turned a year yet but except for time away to lose sex equipment with Dr. Wallach they have never been apart. And she loves him.


Author:  1/4 Pole [ Sat Jun 25, 2011 6:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: She Screamed With Ecstasy! And My Recliner Is Gone.

The right arm rest on the recliner has an ancient pillow case and an old blue paint rag draped across it. That's so I don't burn the damn thing when flicking an ash from a cigar or a cigarette while my old ass is parked there and watching HD TV.

As a kid with nothing in the house but a radio in the early 1950s I still get a kick out of color TV with an image larger than 12 inches that nobody has to get better by wrapping tin foil around the rabbit ears.

Author:  wooley85 [ Sat Jun 25, 2011 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: She Screamed With Ecstasy! And My Recliner Is Gone.

Nice gesture to let Shiloh enjoy the outdoors for awhile.

The tomcat was "worried" his sis wasn't around. When the cats "escaped" Shiloh and Trouble stayed in the back yard...mewing and Mr Mittens "escaped under a bush in the neighbors yard.

I'd bet Mr Mittens would be the most likely to stray outdoors.

Author:  1/4 Pole [ Sat Jun 25, 2011 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: She Screamed With Ecstasy! And My Recliner Is Gone.

Wooley, Mister Mittens was in my bed at 3:45 this morning. She head butted me gently several times to wake me up. I didn't have the AC on so I was sleeping in just my drawers with a light comforter over me. She ran a soft-padded front paw across my chest and face (claws in) and just stared at me with those green eyes (there's a street light just outside my home so that humans can even see in the dark).

Anyway, I get out of my bed and go downstairs to pee since I'm awakened already. The cat races away. On my way back upstairs I have to pass by the kitchen and there is Mister Mittens sitting next to her feed dish. I stop. She's glaring at me with those emerald green eyes. She wants the human she owns to feed her. She gets fed.

Oftentimes Mister Mittens jumps into my lap on the recliner in the afternoon when I'm reading or watching TV. She nudges me with her head and loves to be petted and rubbed hard around her head and her shoulders but when you go to pet her rear flanks or lower sides she'll nip you gently and flash some claws. She'll lick my hands and fall asleep in my lap but she's not crazy about being petted anywhere near her belly or hindquarters.

If you pet her huge tomcat son while he's walking by he will warble with joy as he drops to the floor with his eyes closed expecting belly rubs and gropes and ear pulls.

Mister Mittens is only two years old and has adapted well to being a spayed housecat but she still has a a lot of "street" in her and her eyes tell you a lot.

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