New York Racing Board

A New Cat House At My House
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Author:  1/4 Pole [ Sat Jul 30, 2011 9:05 pm ]
Post subject:  A New Cat House At My House

I catch the no-name beer and smokes and underwear but the cats catch big money toys and food and places to perch from the bride. Jeez, I still go to bed at night and click on a radio from the early 1970s. If I get chilly, I have a blanket I stole from the Marine Corps in 1969 when I got out.

Anyway, a new expensive cat perch is in the living room. It's heavy and costs more than I am worth. The tomcat Trouble was up on it for a time and tore his claws all over it. He's a "warbler" and makes a lot of cat noises but when he went someplace else his sister Shiloh (Sweet Babycakes) took over.

This photo bothers me. Sweet Babycakes filled out nicely from being the runt of the litter but she is not a fat slob. When cats lay out a lot of "upper body" spreads. She has access to great "premium cat food" however.


If you waltz up to Sweet Babycakes while she's napping as a human that she owns and pet her she will wake up and look at you with her green eyes (like her mother's) and then go limp and happy. She was born outside last July next to my front stoop but she's never been anything but a house cat. She's a wonderful girl cat and the people at my house don't beat her much to blow off steam.


Author:  wooley85 [ Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A New Cat House At My House

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I luv it.....and so do the cats...nice carpeted , elevated sleeping platform with a tunnel hideaway :mrgreen:

Author:  1/4 Pole [ Sat Jul 30, 2011 11:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A New Cat House At My House

All an old Marine can do is hug Sweet Babycakes. And maybe give her a kiss.

I'm not a cat expert but she is one sweet creature and a joy to be near. Nobody or nothing does stairs like she does, up or down. Her name is Shiloh but after seeing her do stairs she has caught some nicknames at my house beyond Sweet Babycakes - "Scooter" and "The White Blur".

I'm thinking that Mother Nature gave the little runt girl lightning speed to make up for her small size and mostly-white color at birth for a shot at life in the wild.

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